snowy couples session at leroy oaks forest preserve

Walking in a winter wonderland! 
A beautiful snow is sometimes hard to come by in Chicago these days. The past couple of winters have been FREEZING and when it snowed, it wouldn't be a pretty snow. You know what I mean? This snow was GORGEOUS! I'm not sure how it happened, but every branch on every tree was white and it was something out of a Colorado postcard!

So naturally, I had to shoot! When it snows like this, you kind of have to have some flexibility since we can't plan for it. So I threw out a model call on IG! Kayla, who is another local wedding photographer, jumped at the chance to get some photos of her and her husband, Ian. It was perfection! 

You'd not know by looking at the images, but it was COLD and we shot in about....18 minutes flat. I was cruising through the posing workflow and Kayla being a photographer, she knew what I was asking of her, which helped!

I'm so glad I got the chance to take advantage of the beautiful landscape. Proof cold winters don't always mean gray and dreary photos ;)



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